Literary Connections was set up by Tom Rank to provide educational consultancy, especially on the use of ICT to enhance the teaching of English. After teaching and working in senior management for many years in a large comprehensive school, Tom left to edit a website for English teachers and now works as a consultant to bodies such as the National Association for the Teaching of English (NATE), Becta and local authorities, as well as running courses for teachers and students. He has considerable experience as an A Level senior examiner and Principal Moderator in English Literature. He is a MirandaNet Fellow and worked in South Africa to encourage the use of ICT in Free State schools. You can find out more about these organisations on the links page.
Consultancy and training is offered in a number of areas, such as:
Tom works regularly with Chris Warren and Trevor Millum, authors of Twenty Things to Do with a Word Processor and Unlocking Literature - Approaching Poetry at Key Stage 4. He contributed materials to their new book of creative ideas for interactive whiteboards, Sharing, not Staring. Together and with other experienced colleagues they can offer high-quality training in most parts of the UK and beyond. You can find out more about this at their English and ICT site.
Tom writes a regular column for NATE's Teaching English magazine. He is the author of two volumes in the York Notes Advanced
series, on Poetry of the First World War and The School for Scandal
. You'll find more news and comment on the Literary Connections Blog.
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