AQA A Level English Literature Specification A: 2008 onwards
These resources are for the AQA Specification A English Literature course that began in Autumn 2008, with first examinations in 2009 (AQA code 2740). If you are teaching or studying the AQA course it is essential to refer to the AQA specification to ensure that you are reading the right texts and meeting all the requirements. Currently these resources are available:
AQA endorsed students' books
You are also recommended to look at the specially written students' books for each part of this course by Stella Canwell, Ian Stewart, Carol Leach and Jane Ogborn which are now available from
Amazon or from
Nelson Thornes; these are supplemented by interactive units from the
English and ICT team.
The new course offers teachers and students considerable flexibility. With that, of course, comes responsibility to ensure that all the requirements are being met. Here's an outline; click on the links or images for more about each year of the course. However,
always check with the
AQA Specification.
Select one option for both AS units:
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